love in the time of corona

Web site: www​.tanyaury​.com
Web site: misplacedwomen.wordpre…

love in the time of corona by Tanya Ury is a contri­bu­tion by invi­ta­tion, to Tanja Ostojić’s Misplaced Women? project.

This poetic narra­tive, also including poetry — being about isola­tion, but also feel­ings of misplace­ment because of age and illness even before the time of corona — incor­po­rates quota­tions from Gabriel García Márquez, Hélène Cixous, Russell Hoban and Paul Celan.

The initial plat­form is online, a book and exhi­bi­tions with further partic­i­pants are being planned for 2021 and 2022.

Fury 2009, by Tanya Ury was a dele­gated perfor­mance video, her first contri­bu­tion to Tanja Ostojic’s project Misplaced Women?, about the loss of the Ury/​Unger family archive with the collapse of the Histor­ical Archives in Cologne, on 3rd March 2009, and, filmed on 3rd October, German Re-unifi­ca­tion Day, on the twen­tieth anniver­sary of re-unification.

Group Exhi­bi­tions


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